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May 2019

Finland, Helsinki, Kulttuurikeskus Caisa

A multi-space performance that aims to depict simultaneous realities that exist in the European Union’s sea borders.


Each space uses its own medium, such as augmented and interactive installation, and is either complementary to the next space or a dialectic result of previous spaces. The production relies on the technology and programming of a prior installation that used Kinect technology to provide an experience of being smuggled through EU land borders in a lorry.


Sans Papiers

November 2014

Hungary, Budapest, Gallery 8

Sans Papiers is an interactive installation that recreates for the participant the experience of being smuggled at the border area of a country like Hungary, using photos and motion-detecting technology.


This installation was exhibited in Gallery8, a Roma Contemporary Art Space in Budapest.

Human Smuggling

October 2013

Hungary, Budapest, Labor gallery

The Human Smuggling installation delivers a sense of border, entrapment, and smuggling to its audience.


Participants are faced with their virtual, augmented projection in a trailer truck. Illegal Oedipus took part in a group exhibition Menza - Canteen in Labor gallery. The exhibition was curated by Soós Kata.

About us

About us

We are an art collective consisting of videographers, computer programmers and performers who design interactive art installations that aim to engage audiences on contemporary social issues such as human smuggling, and social and economic inequality. Combining cutting-edge motion-detecting technology with traditional stage design to create an interactive environment, the installations strive to integrate the visitor into a challenging experience that invites reflection.

Babak Arzani

I create visual concepts, by computer software and for different media, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or captivate consumers. They develop the overall layout and production design for videos, interactive installations, and game environments.

Behrooz Torki

I develop and translate concept to visual ideas and experiences for our audiences.
I create software, integrate various hardware and visual effects to give the audience an immersive experience.



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Illegal Oedipus

an art collective
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